The Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) offer four distinct periods for study, reflection, prayer and formation in the Catholic faith. They are:

The Period of Enlightenment follows, which is begun with the Rite of Election. No voting though! Election means choosing. In the Rite of Election the person chooses to move forward to full initiation and the Church chooses or elects these people to celebrate the sacraments at Easter. This is a time for greater inner reflection and discernment while the immediate preparation for Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist are underway. This period culminates in the celebration of the Easter Vigil where those prepared for sacraments are fully initiated.
The Period of Mystagogy follows. This lasts for up to a year. Initially there are 4-6 weekly sessions. Of course we presume the new Catholics are coming to liturgy on Sunday and living the life of faith. Mystagogy or “walking in the mystery” helps root the new member of the community and strengthen the relationship that have been nurtured during this journey.
If you are interested, please email FR. AUGUSTINE INWANG or contact the church office at 410.674.9238.

God will lead if you seek.
God will answer when you knock.
God will reveal what you need to know.