Registration for Confirmation 2025 is open until January 1!
Confirmation is the final Sacrament in the Rite of Christian Initiation. This course prepares high school students for this Sacrament by challenging their perceptions and nurturing their faith through lectures, activities, and discussions with instructors, peers, and sponsors. Candidates make a conscious and intentional choice of their own free will to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
The course will be a blend of online and in-person classes, which are broken into three sections. The candidates will also complete a service project and participate in a retreat. We will begin in February and conclude in November with a break for the summer. The full schedule of classes is included on the application.
The process we follow reflects the guidelines of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.
- The candidate has completed 8th grade before beginning the course.
- The candidate has attended religious education classes the last two years, whether as a part of a parish faith formation program or in a Catholic school.
- The candidate participates in weekly Mass.
- The candidate has been baptized, received First Eucharist, and has been prepared for and received the Sacrament of Reconciliation (also known as Penance or Confession).
- The candidate desires to grow in faith and seeks Confirmation of their own free will.
- The candidate understands that Confirmation demands an ongoing response to be nurtured in a life-long spiritual formation
Please forward any questions to the Faith Formation Coordinator, Brian Ten Eyck, at bteneyck@stjosephodenton.org.