This ministry collects casseroles prepared by our parishioners in their own homes. The casseroles are then delivered (frozen) to Our Daily Bread, a Catholic Charities facility in Baltimore which serves 250,000 hot meals each year to homeless and needy persons. Our monthly goal is 150+ casseroles.
For more information, please contact ABIOLA AKIN AJAYI.

Casseroles are delivered to Our Daily Bread on the Saturday following the 1st Thursday of every other month. The next Casserole delivery will be September 7th.
Pans and recipes are available in the church vestibule and office. Prepared, frozen casseroles can be returned to the Parish Office during office hours or dropped off curbside to our collection volunteers on the FIRST THURSDAY of the month between 6:30-8:00 PM.
1 chopped onion (medium)
1 lb. ground beef
1 can corn
1 can green beans
8 oz. elbow macaroni, cooked
1 can tomato soup
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Boil macaroni. Cook onion until soft. Add beef and stir until brown. Drain grease; add salt and pepper. Stir in vegetables and soup and cook until the ingredients are boiling. Remove from heat and stir in the cooked macaroni – please stir well. Place in casserole pan; put the pan into the preheated oven for 10-15 minutes. Cool, cover with aluminum foil completely including the edges to prevent spillage. Do NOT use plastic wrap – the pans will be reheated in an oven at Our Daily Bread.
- Do not make any changes to the recipe. The casseroles from many sources are all mixed together at service time and it’s important that they be uniform.
- Please mark your casserole with a description and the date prepared.
- Freeze the casserole until it’s hard before delivering it to the drop-off point. We stack the casseroles. If they are not all frozen completely, they ooze out of the pans, can’t be used, and ruin others.
- Use safe food handling techniques when you prepare the casserole. Wash your hands with soap and water for 30 seconds before beginning and while cooking if you touch your face or hair or leave the kitchen before completing the casserole.
In a hurry? Large, family-sized trays of frozen macaroni and cheese are always a welcomed food donation.